Book an appointment today to discover
how you can improve your health!

Our goal is to help you to achieve optimal health and regain strength and vitality. We will look for underlying causes of your illness so we can deal with the root of the health problem, instead of just treating the symptoms.


Initial 1 hour consultation is $120 which includes Live Blood Analysis. This analysis can identify the cause of the illness, so we can focus on correcting the imbalances. An effective supplementation and diet plans are recommended during initial consultation to address specific needs for each client. 

Live Blood Analysis:

Live blood analysis is the only way to see how blood cells interact in their living state inside your body. We can observe different size and shape of red cells and the tendency to form blood clots. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues and removes waste products. The health state of our blood reflects the function of all internal organs. 


After suffering for many years and receiving a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, with no helpful treatment options, I was recommended to see Natalia. I found Natalia to be approachable, knowledgeable and clear in her recommendations. I followed Natalia’s recommendations, and within a few weeks my symptoms were reducing and continued to do so over the next few months.

I have experienced a significant reduction in my pain, an increase in energy as well as a general sense of overall well-being.