Live blood analysis is the only way to see how blood cells interact in their living state inside your body. We can observe different size and shape of red cells and the tendency to form blood clots. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues and removes waste products. The health state of our blood reflects the function of all internal organs.
Our immune system is responsible for the ability of our body to recover from sickness. During Live Blood Analysis we can observe if your white cells are active and fighting with pathogenic micro organisms in the blood.
Live Blood Analysis can identify:
· Abnormal size and shape of red blood cells indicating anaemia, vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
· Non-viable white blood cells indicating suppressed immune system function and autoimmune disorders.
· Presence of diffuse fibrin suggesting liver toxicity and high risk of heart diseases.
· Presence of fungus and pathogenic bacteria can confirm digestive disorders and candida overgrowth.
· Uric acid crystals found in the blood sample lead to development of gout and poor kidney function.
· Cloud pattern of red blood cells confirm chronic inflammation and acidic pH level.